ultimately the journey makes us understand that there is no going from here to there and no becoming for us. the journey begins and ends with the clarity of : we just are.
we just are is another way of saying that the journey and the traveler emerge from the same dream.
nothing to be added, nothing to be taken away: we just are as all things are before and after definitions arise and fade away.
thathata. suchness. things as they are.
the suddenness of it. sudden when you realize the soul’s journey, as if you knew or i knew or anyone knew what the soul is and what the soul’s journey is about, you don’t, who does, i don’t, that the journey, whoever she be that is on the road, if the road be, wherever that road or image of road might be, wherever it may lead to, if it leads to anywhere, other than nowhere, that journey is not one of gain but one of loss.
losing all the ideas we carry with us including the desire to be enlightened or become realized or become someone or become no one. to become whatever as there is nothing for us to become, for we just are just as all things are.
the suddenness and sheer simplicity of: we just are. the suddenness of just we are obliterates existing definitions and nullifies any vague desire to create new ones.
the suddenness of it, the awakening to the moment of : we just are. then, but there really is no then, realizing, but there is really no realizing, how what we just are takes us right back to the origins of the universe.
how far have we come, how far do we need to go back? there is movement, it emerges out of stillness, there we dwell, in that stormy wind that lifts up the waves on the sea.
there, back to the first breath of the universe where we meet our face before our parents were born.
yet, there is no way our mind could wrap itself around this. we sit and sit not to reach or attain but to slowly wear away the resistance to accepting ourselves as we are. the sheer simplicity of that. there is nothing to mystify or glorify about the process.
what we are may seem a mystery shrouded in the unknown. but the unknown is not obscured as nothing is hidden. we cannot see beyond the seeing that is transparency. we are the eye that is seeing us. we call that the universe.
the unknown cannot be grasped yet it is the calling that invites to deep intimacy with all that is. all that is is the greeting we receive wherever we go. intimacy with this opens us to who we are. the always present, always here, never know.