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hamid ebadi
Oct 2, 20233 min read
some thoughts on meditation
It's something to look forward to whenever I get the chance to sit with others an intensive silent meditation retreat as this allows me...
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hamid ebadi
Jan 11, 20193 min read
returning to monchique
It is with pleasure that I can announce the resumption of our silent meditation and yin yoga retreats at Karuna Center in Algarve,...
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georgia morley
Dec 19, 20184 min read
this practice has a lifeline of highs and lows
It is hard to put into words my experience of the past 6 days silent meditation and yoga retreat. This surprises me as this was my 3rd...
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hamid ebadi
Oct 19, 20183 min read
today, i hold myself
I write this as it is approaching three months since I spent six days on a silent meditation retreat in the hills of Monchique, Portugal....
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hamid ebadi
Jun 27, 20182 min read
those greater forces around us
Less than a month to our silent meditation retreat in the Serra de Monchique, Portugal. Some of you are making the journey from other...
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hamid ebadi
Jun 3, 20182 min read
beyond description
We naturally tend to seek the comfort of intimacy and relating with another. But how comfortable are we with being in the space of our...
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hamid ebadi
May 25, 20181 min read
silence teaches what is beyond words
one of the more impactful and profound experiences given to us to live is to recollect heart and mind in an intensive period of silent...
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hamid ebadi
Feb 19, 20181 min read
the art of meditation : when we sit in sesshin
Sitting through a sesshin is something you need to come and experience for yourself as this is as personal an experience as it gets and...
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hamid ebadi
Dec 2, 20171 min read
passing through the gate
we passed this gate to reach our place of practice, a towering ganesha greeting us. we sat through an intensive period of meditation...
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hamid ebadi
Oct 7, 20173 min read
and the rest is silence
and the rest is silence the sheer beauty of osho's words arrested me this morning: “ our existence is nothing but a sound in the...
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hamid ebadi
Oct 7, 20172 min read
to friends old and new on the path
over the past ten years, i have had the honor to share teachings with many students in india, bali and some other parts of the world. the...
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